Support Front Steps Behavioral Health Program; May is Mental Health Awareness Month

Support Front Steps Behavioral Health Program; May is Mental Health Awareness Month

It can be scary when someone you love is sick. It can be especially scary if they’re diagnosed with a mental illness. It’s hard to see someone you love in pain and it’s confusing when someone you know well is not acting like themselves. You know how you would take care of them if they had a cold or flu, but what do you do for a mental illness? Like any other health problem, someone with a mental illness needs extra love and support. You may not b​e able to see the illness, but it doesn’t mea​n that you’re powerless to help.

Now more than ever, our Front Steps team NEEDS your support to help our team as they provide critical mental health services to our residents and community clients.  We are passionate, dedicated, and unwavering in our commitment to provide these services that help our clients realize their personal dreams. But we can’t do it without the support of our friends and stakeholders.  

Your financial support is needed now more than ever in this post-pandemic era. Your gift to Front Steps makes it possible for us to offer our clients the potential of a new start. 

Consider giving today –!/donation/checkout